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Fireman with Dark Uniform

First Responders

Say thank you to a first responder who was there in your time of need. Feed a whole department to thank them for putting their lives on the line every day for their community. Do something to bless a first responder who has gone above and beyond or for the family of a hero who paid the ultimate price for their service.

Senior Portrait


Spend some time volunteering at a local senior living facility. Bring meals to a widow who is grieving over the loss of her husband. Help drive a senior to their doctor's appointment. 


The Homeless

Living on the street or just hopping from couch to couch is tiresome and lonely. You can help by finding a place to call home or just providing meals to someone experiencing an unfortunate temporary situation or long-term homelessness. 



Taking care of an elderly parent or a special needs loved one can be difficult and exhausting. You can help by bringing meals or providing a caretaker with some much needed self-care

Haircut Smiles

Those in

Recovery from addiction or an illness can be a struggle on the individual and those around him or her. Lift up those battling for a healthier life. Show them they aren't alone in this battle.

Teacher and Pupil

Community Influencers

There are so many people in Johnson County that help others: community leaders, pastors, teachers, and everyday citizens. You can show them that their deeds aren't unnoticed by coming together and showing your appreciation. 


Foster Parents, Single Parents, All Families

Help by doing yard work for a family that is dealing with medical issues. Give parents a night out by helping out with a special needs child. Take the family dog on a walk for a single mother who doesn't have the time in her busy schedule. 

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Those Living
with Disabilities

Having a disability, whether temporary or permanent, can make the whole world a lot harder to navigate.You can lend a hand by driving someone to an appointment, building a ramp onto their home, or just bringing a meal during a difficult time.



We owe a huge debt of gratitude to those who have served to protect our freedoms. You can show our appreciation by lending a hand with a home project or assisting however you can during a time of need. 

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Survivors of Domestic Violence

Escaping domestic violence is just the beginning of a life long journey. You can uplift these individuals by showing them there are good people in this world they can trust.


Anyone in Johnson County

The list above is just an example of whom you can uplift. We aren't limited to who we are able to assist. We are here for anyone in Johnson County that has a need. If you see a need and would like to partner with us, let us know and we will seek to fill it. 

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© 2024 • UPLIFT Johnson County 501(C)(3) • UpLift Johnson County is a nonprofit corporation under tax code 501(c)(3), tax ID number 85-4358964. 

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